Any serious world class athlete would not consider for one moment going at it alone; there is always one or more coaches to help them. Why would any other human aiming to perform at his/her ultimate potential be any different? A coach is not necessarily there to improve your skills in your profession, but to help you identify and see your blind spots, dig deep to identify root causes for issues, be a confidant, have the tough talk, challenge you to evolve and progress, etc.
I have a number of coaches that I work with from time to time to ensure that I perform at the top of my game. If I didn’t, I would inevitably end up stuck at some point, it sneaks up on you and when you realise your stuck you have an uphill battle. When you hear of athletes that have a comeback, their story always contains the part where a coach worked on his/her mind, energy and body. This is the story I want you to tell.