“Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.” – Maya Angelou
As the magnificient and wise Maya points out, trust requires courage. In our lives as we go through experience after experience, we are conditioned to learn about our external environment, not about how we react to stimuli in that environment. In doing so, we end up building our parameters of trust around what we have learned about others and the experiences we have had with them. The challenges with that are twofold; your external environment and stimuli change and you can’t control anything external to you. In effect you build your framework on trust on an illusionary house of cards that is inherently instable.
When we realise this falsehood of trust we then turn within ourselves to find what we can trust there. The challenge is that the external locust of evaluation conditioning that we arrive at this point with makes it very hard to trust anything that is not fed by our external senses, i.e. if I can’t hear it, taste it, see it, smell it, feel it or think it, I cannot trust it. We end up in a catch-22 because we need out trust validated before we can trust, but our trust won’t be validated until we actually do trust.
The trust I apply is internal. I trust my intuition, my internal senses and my internal guidance, in my case that is my higher self and my guides. When you trust yourself you can trust how you engage with your external environment and it doesn’t matter how others act, they are of no concern to you. If I end up in a challenging situation and my intuition guided me there, I trust I am there to learn a valuable lesson about myself or there is an outcome that is for my highest good, or perhaps I am in that situation to provide someone else with key lesson for their journey in life. Whatever the situation I can trust, unconditionally, that it is for the highest good of all involved.
Trust takes courage, but if you are doing “the work” and evolving as an awareness, your courage will expand and so will your ability to trust unconditionally.
The Universe has your back, I promise.