Is your mission aligned with your purpose? Looking at several of the biggest companies in the world, e.g. GE, BP, etc. there are efforts, at…
Help your business to become the best version of itself “A healthy business is a collaboration of individuals with matching energies, directing that energy in…
Graduate to a higher level of business practices “Take the challenge of your life. Reach out to your goals. There is no limit to what…
The unimpeded flow of energy through your business is a measure of the business flow state The flow state is defined as where “a person…
How your mindset can lead you through the start up and an epidemic The Driver’s Tipple (, on the surface, is a gin replacement product…
How to present yourself in the new paradigm The Unique Passion Proposition is my upgrade to the moniker; USP (Unique Selling Proposition). This idea dawned…
Allow passion to forge the way I am sure that many will have choked on the coffee reading that I suggest “death to patent laws”,…
Lead from intuition, not fear Old school business decisions derive from protecting the interests of various stakeholders. The king among those stakeholders would be the…
Focus on the aspects you can control Business Planning used to be a hobby of mine; I loved writing business plans for ideas that I…
As with personal transformation you need to get to the root of your corporate culture to change “It is not good enough to do what…