Barbie Layton,, made a conscious decision in March of 2020, as the world was going into lockdown, to say yes to the Universe when it came knocking. She is an amazing connector and promoter of people. Barbie is an intuitive coach with a deep rooted connection to the ethereal and spiritual. Her enthusiasm and positive energy will knock the unsuspecting recipient off their feet. She is a graduate of “Spiritual Psychology” from Santa Monica and was part of the “USM Prison Project“, based on Viktor Frankl’s work, at the Valley State Prison for Women in Chowchilla California.
This year she has rocketed on to the mindfulness speaker circuit doing several shows with Best You and will do Miami, London and Dubai in 2021 in January, February and March respectively. Full disclosure, I will be interviewed by the show organisers in Miami and by Barbie in London. It is free to join as a spectator, so come along. In the second quarter she will be doing a show on Best You TV “Best Speakers”.
This year she has through sheer will of bending reality manifested $100,000 to be able to pursue her life’s purpose. All of that in the middle of a pandemic; you know I had to check out this story.
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