This download is in two parts with two separate meditations; Patience Session 1 and 2. In the first session working on patience we will look at your decision making process when faced with patience. We tend to rush around expecting things to happen within a certain time scale. When it doesn't, we become frustrated and stress sets in. We strive to exert control over time and space that is extrinsic to us, while knowing perfectly well that the only things we can control are within ourselves. When we embody this knowledge we can exercise patience. The second session will allow you to delve deeper into your decision making process and reframe your experience to allow you to realise your power to choose your experience and your flow. Ultimately impatience is about being triggered by something that is reflecting back to something within us that needs to be healed. Discovering this can start a profound healing process.
You should find yourself coming out of this mediation feeling relaxed and renewed. If you suspect or have been diagnosed with any mental disorder that could be triggered by visualisations of alternative realities or if you are currently taking strong psycho pharmaceuticals, please consult your healthcare provider before using this audio recording.
Don't forget to download the audio file after you check out. You will get an email with the download link as well.
This recording is not available for distribution or alteration in any way, so please direct anyone who would like a copy to this site for a download.
Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash
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